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27 Sept 2010

huh ........ greeeeedy lady ! :(


Yes. I'm greedy :( I use a lot of money. Without thinking parents' toil.
Haiz. Blaming on myself too. 'Cause I've already spent lots of money this year.
So many fees are paid by my dad's company. Sister always get confused when she goes for billings.
Let's see.
1. Streamyx RM66 per month.
2. My study fee quite high this year ! From Jan to Aug, RM260 per month and RM170 per month for the rest.
3. My braces treatment, just paid for almost RM2265, and sure, still have RM150 for 'uncountable' months.
4. My pocket and usings money. RM10 per day.
5. Sometimes, I hang out, I beg for money too. At least RM50, maximum RM100.
6. I have my credit-reloading seriously ! I need to use so much money for my texts and calls.
7. My meals, my daily necessities, using of the water and electricity, they need money too !

:( So sad. When I'm typing these text above this, I felt like crying and guilty !
Daddy mummy treat me so nice, I still make'em angry and worry.


Alright, back to my topic.
Not only to show my spent ! Lol.
Seriously, after my dear told me that he feels like want to get a package of Digi iPhone.
Seriously, I was addicted and attracted by the package.
Seriously, I want that fucking awesome mobile phone.
Seriously, I think my sister and mum will kill me after I tell my plan to them.
Seriously, I really want it !
So funny that I said I don't like APPLE products before. :(
Sorry. But now I changed my mind.
iPhone 4 is such a entertainment tool ! Urg... Want it seriously.
I hope I can get one man.
But need to wait until the next year.
Maybe my birthday ^^
I think daddy would sign the package. He is always kind father. Buahahaha :))))
So sad :( Even my dad accepted, but how about my mum and sister ?
They won't sign !

I just want it seriously...................
I will try to ask my sister when I see her................
God bless me. You bless me. I beg god and you. PRAY ------------------------------ !



16 Sept 2010


Peace. =)
Laugh. =D

Erm. Graduation exam is coming the next Thursday. Feel so sorry, cause I didn't touch books at all. Suddenly feels like going to give up. I just want the time pass faster ! Argh... After this year, we're relax and release. =)

Yet, after graduation exam, still PMR, and UEC.
So stress. :(

Later hanging out with my dear cousin. =)
Good day for me ~

Don't know why somebody spam and bark in blog wor.
I hope DIA can admit as fast as possible.
I hate playing games. I don't like guessing.
My mum taste good. ya. for my dad, sure. You ? Bitches everywhere you can find. Simply go fuck also can.
Good butch, back to you cage faster, Master missed you lots. If not later DogCatcher bring you to kill. So byebye.

Mummy, Happy Birthday. =)
I love you so much.


6 Sept 2010

Says from...03.09.2010

HinHuaHighSchool organized a cross-country competition.
And "luckily" I won the 16th prize.

This trophy isn't belong to me.
It belongs to my legs and my perseverance undoubtedly.
Without them, I couldn't win this prize.
And also BadmintonTeam. Without the force and stress given by Team, I think I won't run for it. I will just...walk like morning jogging. LOL ?
Oh shit. It's just such a ..... negligible stuff, it's not so serious by the way. SKIP !
At night, I watch a movie - The Last Song. I cried whole night. =(
IT IS SO TOUCHING ! I intro-ed it to Comma. Haha. She said she cried like hell too.
Really, this movie is the best movie that I had never seen before. I cried so sad. :(

Oh.................... My second sister, Dolynne has done her "sit moon".
So she came back with her new born son. CHUBBY man ! So cute ~ But so sad, I didn't take photos of him :(
In the morning, I was kind of fucking busy with mum to prepare the 'gathering' meal. My siblings all went back on that day. First of all, I felt my house was going to burst. Second, I was such as a ... MAID ? Helping my sisters and brothers to take GOOD care of their children. Third, the kids & babies crying and fighting sound were surrounding us, absolutely, their parents were also yelling loudly. I felt so PEKCEK ! house is so small. How could it hold 19 people and 3 people for ... their assistants -.- So, there may be 22 or 23 people gathered in my house. 3,2,1 .. Peeeee---Kaaaaaaaa---BOOM !
Finally, 3 pm they all went back. I was.........feeling like : Hell ! Thank god. Pheww ~ =.=
So bad huh. LOL.
Ya. Always, I am.

Well. This day...I was planning to study for PMR trial. Comma and KhaiYing hung me out to McD or Starbucks for small group study.
But at last, this plan was .... 'buhbye'. -.-
I went out with parents the whole afternoon and evening. We went TanjungSepat, took meals, walked on the Morib Seaside and CoupleBridge ( QingRenQiao ). You know, so sad :( My mum and dad were walking on that seaside and bridge with me. I was 'alone' la -.- I want my dear YongLing was there too. Hahaha !
See.. 6 something I back home..FINALLY.
On the way back home, my dad drove passed by the Sports Avenue. Thank god and luckily YongLing was there so that I can see him. LOL. My dad was waiting for traffic light and YongLing, HuiWan and Jason were walking out of the SportsAvenue, I screwed down the window and they were shocked when they saw me. Haha. So funny. My mum asked me who are they, OF COURSE, they are FRIENDS ! :) Teeeeeheeeeeeeeeeeee.
At night, we decided to take dinner at mamak opposite of my house. Again, I saw EdisonJunTing was Lim-ing Teh with his buddies. Lol. That blue sky mamak is so popular now ? IDK.

Oh shit. Trial. I didn't even touch PMR books.
So....Chinese paper, okok la.
Sejarah... Mou Ngan Tai ar -.-
Semua tembak tikam saje. Haha.
Happy go lucky, my friend told me.
That's why you girls saw me so happy today. RIGHT ?
Oh yeah~

I'm waiting.............................................................
Maths and Geography subjects. The noon I will be playing badminton with ChaNee. =)

Haiz.. I am so mad of love. I miss him so so so much. I want to see him seriously. I think of him everytime even I'm busy with anything.
Am I ... crazy ?
I'm so sorry..................... I messed you up, badminton competition.
Childish and selfish, that's all me.

Night. !

2 Sept 2010

假期 ?

oO. 假期到了 ? 原来原来 ~
好压力,透不过气 =(
明天越野赛跑,我要跑出我的心声,抛出我的压力,放出我的不满,释出这一连串的烦恼 !
宝贝老公,这两个月,我必须得忽略你了.. 我怕我不能把感情的甜蜜当作我读书的推动力..
你要原谅我.. 我不希望我的成绩是下滑的.. 我相信你也应该不会希望我变成那样.. 对吧 ?

星期一到星期三是正式的PMR ........................ 预试 .. 不是正式的PMR大考..
过后就是毕业考.. 再来PMR.. 再来统考......
感觉真的好难熬过去.. :( 平时嘻嘻哈哈不认真的态度,换来的代价真的可不小..除非是真的完全放弃而不读.. 不过我想,那个人还真的够颓废堕落..还浪费资源金钱..
所以,从星期六开始,我要很努力很努力很用功很用功很加油很加油地把书本慢慢啃完.. ( 我想把它们当肯德基一样来啃 :D )
PMR不知道要怎么样.. 因为我已经跟妈妈大姐说好了,我不会考SPM..
因为它将是我唯一升学的金钥匙,不能让它“生锈”了..反而要擦得更光更亮更闪 !

说那么多..我只是要计划我的假期罢了,我好长气 -.-
假期的9天,就用了(Mon,Tue,Wed)3天来考试,(Sat,Sun)2天备考 ~
再接下来的3天(Thu,Fri,Sat),醒狮培训营.. 这让我很烦,因为大姐的极力反对,让妈妈重拾不让我不参加的念头,所以,我很积极、非常非常积极地在说服我妈让我如愿以偿 !
我真的好希望我妈可以完完全全放心地让我参加.. 我很想要尝试新年当醒狮人员的滋味~ 我相信它会让我的新年过得很精彩 ! 拜托了,妈妈 =( 我求求你 !

给我最爱的朋友姐妹们,考试加油 ! 不要那么快放弃,要抗战到底 !
给我最最最最最最爱的宝贝dear老公,我爱你,也对不起 ! mwaks

p/s : 可恶的佳妮,帮我取了多一个外号 -.- 丸娃娃- 丸娃 。其实我很喜番...... ^^

丸娃 SIAO.

1 Sept 2010

happy joy ~

Centro Neway KTV
Friends =)
Ken's birthday celebration.
We enjoy much much much !

Here are some photosharings about me and around me.

First time take photo with PeeYee, a lil bit weird, but anyhow, she's beautiful =)

My dearest boyfriend, I love him so much =)

SHIT -.- His peace blocked my face !
`My leg.................................. Buahahahhaha!!!

We are raising hand for the songs, And making background. Haha

Done ~
=) SIAO.